Monday, January 31, 2011

Little Black Book Entry: Maya 6 yrs old.

Maya took her index finger, and starting at her toes, counted as she moved her finger up her body to the top of her head. Then she exclaimed, "Mommy, I'm 30 inches!" "How do you know?" I asked. "Because I counted my body!" she replied.

Maya was talking to me in the car and said, "How old is Grandma great? Thirty something?". Ofcourse I had to tell our 80-something grandma about this!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Black Book Entry: Kate 2 yrs old

It was Kate's nightly book time and this time we were reading Who Said Moo by Harriet Zeifert. We got to the part with the cows and she said "The baby moo loves me!" Then, she pretended to take a bite of the baby cow (sound effects and all), and said "I eat it. It's nummy." We turned the page and she saw the rooster. She said, "I eat the Cock-a-doodle", then preceded to eat it in the same manner... except....just after eating it she started spiting all over the place and said "I don't like it!".

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Little Black Book Entry: Kate 2 yrs old

Kate likes to be held by Momma lately. Sometimes when I pick her up, I say teasingly in a deepened voice... "Ohhhhh, You're heavy Kate!" This time she said back to me (also in a deepened voice)..... "You heavy too mommy!"

Little Black Book Entry: Aubree (just turned 9)

It was late, the girls were tired, and Maya and Aubree were having a hard time getting along. They had finished their baths and were headed to bed, but Maya got her feelings hurt. She said "I don't want to sleep in the room with Aubree!" Aubree quickly retorted "Well, I'd be MUCH OBLIDGED!"

Can you tell that our little girl likes reading? She always surprises us with her working vocabulary. I didn't talk like that on my 9th birthday! We have read alot of chapter books from the colonial times and the language is more formal than common speach today; namely the Little Maid series by Alice Turner Curtis.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Utah: Kaiiii-- YA!!!!!

David and Cristy took us down to the Karate gym for some good and crazy karate fun. First, they turned on the black lights and we sparred with padded glow-in-the-dark swords and played games with glowing discs. It was a lot of fun!

Ella cheking out her weapons, contemplating the best way to use them. Next, she put her "fighting face" on.

Left: Maya ready to take someone on. Right: I know this one is blurry but I had to include it... Caught you babe! Jeff breaking the rules and taking the sword to tiny Tim's head!

Aubree sparing. Go girl!

Kate was running around whacking anyone she could get. But her favorite was daddy.

Next we played parachute games and set up obstacle courses for the kids.

My stunt man! Watch him clear it.

Utah: Snow Shoeing

Me and Cristy

Me crossing the meadow. Thanks for cutting out the trail for me babe!

Me crossing a creek on a log with snow shoes on!

Jeff and his Sister Cristy. Left: Jeff and me, hiking along.

Jeff and I showing off our shoes. Look closely and you'll see a waterfall in the background.

My man.

Just chill'in (in more ways then one) at look-out point.
Right: Jeff and his big sis! Left: Me and Cristy under the snow covered boughs.

David and Cristy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Morning

I love Christmas morning! The girls were HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to get their presents. Santa brought them a large colorable cardboard playhouse and a set of markers... along with a few other things.
Kate was happy with a dollar store tiarra, shoes, and wand and a 3 dollar baby! Gotta love that age! Ella loved her pretty dress, but told me that her favorite thing was the "picy's" (spicy's or tic tacs) from her stocking.

Maya really liked her "Write your Own Story" book, and the polly pocket set she recieved. And ofcourse, Aubree's favorite was her camera.

I was spoiled and got a wheat grinder for Christmas. I had been wanting one for 5 Christmas's, and this year I got two. One from my parents and one from Jeff! They sure made me feel special!

Jeff received a large Craftsman Tool Cabinet for the garage, which was NOT easy to pull off. I had picked it up a few weeks prior and had left it at my dad's house to conceal it. The plan: My dad and uncle Mark were going to play Santa and sneak it into our house on Christmas Eve while Jeff was sleeping. I was to call them as soon as Jeff was asleep. A simple enough plan.... you'd think!!! Jeff set the alarm before he got into the shower, so I managed to turn it off with out him noticing (yes!), but he turned it back on before going to sleep (ohhh no!). I couldn't disarm it again because the keypad in our room beeps each time it is disarmed. He was NOT cooporating! And, he was sleeping so lightly that every time I budged... he woke up! Fianlly at 1 AM I told him I "needed a drink" and went downstairs to call my dad. I peeked into our courtyard and saw them rolling in the tool box... it had gotten so late that they just decided to bring it over. My dad didn't have his phone with him and I couldn't open the window to comunicate with him because of the alarm!

When morning came, Jeff beat us all downstairs and instantly opened up the blinds to let the light in... yep... he found his present! He was surprised... and had no idea how I got it there! So I guess it still worked out in the end!

We finished the morning off with everyone's favorite breakfast.... Cinamon Swirl French Toast topped with fresh fruit and buttermilk syrup.

Temple Lights and the Seever Family Christmas Party

Christmas can't go by without at least one visit to the temple lights.

Maya... just had to touch one of those lights!

The girls also love to see the display of manger scenes from around the world. Below: Aubree and Abbey are putting their Christmas present to use!

Seever Family Christmas Party

Left: Rosanne and Kate, Right: Maya.

Sage and Ella enjoying Stacy's darling cake pop's.