Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

In celebration of cousin Abbey's birthday, grandma took the girls to Disney's Beauty and the Beast at the Hale Centre Theatre last Thursday.

Maya fell asleep on the way home, and Aubree lost her tooth that she had been wiggling around for 2 weeks. I had to stay up for them, because they didn't get home till 11pm. I felt like it was a foreshadowing of what might go on in the future. Let's wait a few (or 10-12) more years girls!


  1. Grandma is great at taking the kiddos to those fun plays! Those princess dresses look familiar! Wish my girl was still little.....they grow up too fast!

  2. we were waiting for abbey, too, but somehow she snuck in without us noticing. at 11:30 i was wondering why they were so late. i looked in her room before calling mom & there she was, fast asleep! i had that same "this is what it's going to be like" feeling that you did. mace will be old enough for dances in 4 years (gulp!) so we're getting there quickly, i'm sure.
