Monday, June 29, 2009

We headed up to the mountains last weekend for some cool weather camping. The campground we had planned to camp at was completely full, but we were lucky to find a remote spot deep in the pines a few miles up a dirt road... it was perfect. The Farr family joined us for the stay, and we all had a great time together.

Aubree checking out the view.

Kate loved exploring the dirt, pine needles, and rocks. I let her down and she was happy as a lark.

The first nights dinner was dutch oven style mediterranean chicken, fire roasted butternut squash, salad and bread. It smelled soooo good while it was cooking. The second night the Farr's treated us to some sweet pulled pork tacos, with all the fixings. There's nothing like good food on a campout!

The girls created their own sheltered retreat, complete with a stone & stick path and a baby changing area.

OK, so Maya isn't yet a professional photographer.... but this is my only proof that I was actually there. Gotta love the hammock!

Fishing is always better when you catch some. Aubree caught 2 the first day and 3 the next day. These beautiful rainbow trout were good eatin'.

Aubree's first fish! With a little trick photography this 7 incher looks huge!

Brian Farr cooked up the fish. He seasoned it with some creole seasoning and a little oil, then wrapped it in foil and cooked it on the grill. Mmm, Mmm, tasty!

Yes Kate, I see you eating that rock.


West fork of Oak Creek Canyon hike.

Maya rock-hopping along the creek bed.

Jeff used his MacGyver skills and put together a make-shift hammock for Ella. She was in heaven, can you tell?

We found a natural waterslide on our hike of the West Fork of Oak Creek. This was one of the highlights of our camping adventure.


  1. Cute family fun! Love the makeshift hammock! Aaron and the boys went down this waterslide one summer. Aaron went down on his belly barking like a sea otter the whole way :)

  2. Amy-- Sounds like Aaron and Jeff would have had fun together=)

  3. so cool that you make a habit of doing this often with your family. you guys are real camping pros! i don't know anyone who cooks like you do on campouts. =) i love the retreat the girls put together - you'd expect no less from a whole group of little girls. and good for you for getting maya to take that picture of you. it works! the more you hand the camera over to the kids, the better they get at it.

  4. Your making me jealous! Well, except for the fish.
