Monday, June 22, 2009

Aubree and Maya in the back yard... picking corn.... and just being sweet and silly. It is good to have Aubree home for the summer. They are really enjoying the long days of just plain good kid fun.

align="center">Stake Garden

We went to the stake garden today to harvest some fresh vegetables. Corn, cucumbers, zucchini, crookneck squash, peppers, green beans, and okra (yes, I'm going to try out the okra-- I was told that you can chop it up and add it to soups or stews and it will act as a natural thickener). The tomatoes and melons are not quite ready yet. The girls had a good time running around the "farm" and looking for vegetables to to add to our basket.

It was a hot day (already) even though it was only 10 in the morning. The girls refreshed with a dip of their hands in the nice, cool and irrisistable irrigation water.

"Tractor gonna get me!!!!" was the tune of the trip. There was a tractor working in the neighboring field and Ella was terified of it. She cried and cried and cried... and falling into the mud didn't seem to calm her down at all.

We found a bird's nest built on one of the corn stalks and to our surprise there were a couple of baby birds nestled up inside of it. One had its beak wide open and up in the air, as if it was waiting for its mama to return with a meal. It kind of reminded me of Kate.


  1. ANG!! I'm so glad you have a blog and we can see it!! Your girls are so beautiful. I can't believe it has been 3 years since we have seen you guys. I wish we were driving through AZ on our move, but sadly we are not. Well, tell Jeff we say hi, and give your girls love from us!!

  2. So happy to see you have started a blog! Happy happy joy joy!

  3. Hey Angela,
    Thanks for the invite to your blog! It is great to see you and your family. You look great and the same from high school!!

  4. Hey roomie!
    Ditto to the previous comments! Thanks for invite, and happy to catch up with what you've got going on! -KC

  5. I've been waiting for you to put some pictures of the Monson Girls on a blog. Looks Great and all those veggies sound yummy!

  6. i was wondering if there was anything to pick yet.i'd love some corn!

    and, looky-looky who has joined the mormon mommy blog world. goody-goody! so happy you took the plunge. you'll love it. ask any ?'s you have because blogger can be a bit sticky. but it's free!

  7. Looks like fun! Bet the vegetables were tasty! Let me know how the okra works out!

    And (fyi--I am a LAZY blogger, only one comment, no matter how many posts I read...) looks like the coast was a wee bit chilly! We were over in CA week after memorial and we were FREEZING! I didn't pack appropriately (my brain didn't factor in the wind and humidity and rain when I looked up the weather before packing!)
