We took a Kayak up the Hanalei River. It was beautiful. We kayaked under a bridge, along side the taro farms and then deep into the thick of the jungle.
Jeff took the steering (and paddling) position in the rear, while I paddled away in the front. We were told we were the most harmonious paddlers on the river! Synchronized paddling at its best! Yeah... we're good. But I think it was actually our adventure hats that made us look so good.
The bananas weren't quite ripe.
On the trip I accidentally dropped my sunglasses into the water. I was sure that they were gonners... but Jeff magically reached his oar down to the bottom of the water, and slid the end of the paddle just behind the lenses. The arms of the glasses wrapped around the backside of the paddle and he carefully carried them right back up and handed them to me. He's amazing! He should take up spear-fishing! And I was so grateful. Then I sat on them about 20 minutes later and broke them to pieces. Oh well.
The river narrowed and became more shallow as we went further. We wanted to navigate it as far as possible, so we got out a few times and pulled the kayak behind us. Eventually we had to call it quits and head back down the river.
It started to rain a little so we hid in this natural shelter. The Jungle was so thick over head, that we stayed completely dry.

It also gave me some time to test my skills. I wanted to see if I could stand up on the kayak. Jeff didn't think I'd be able to do it and stay dry..... but I did.

There was an older couple kayaking on the river, who seemed to be struggling with the "work together as a team" part of tandem kayaking. They were all decked out in safari gear and had the appearance of serious bird watchers. Both the husband and wife had a set of huge binoculars. However, I guess they just had the cool gear and no skills because they paddled right underneath this King Fisher. It was only a couple of feet over their head, but they missed it entirely. Kind-of-funny!
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