I've been keeping a record of the cute things our girls say on my computer, but have decided to just add it to the blog.... Hopefully it will help me to be better at it!
Aubree 8, Maya 5
Aubree ran in from the other room and said "She's just in there" Maya exclaimed with excitement, "Jesus in there! I want to see!" and ran in the direction that Aubree was coming from. What a sweetie!
Ella 3 yrs:
I was trying to get Ella to take a nap and laid down on her bed and said, "I need someone to snuggle me. Do you know who could snuggle me?" She replied, " I don't know, maybe Daddy or some-pin.
Ella 3, Kate 19 months:
I dropped Maya off at preschool, and headed to the grocery store with Ella and Kate. I didn't realize that Kate had brought a small sample of a scented soft wax candle with her. We were almost at the store when Ella said "Kate's hair is all messy". I turned around only to find that she had smeared the soft candle wax into her hair. It was really a mess, with gobs of wax mixed into her soft little hairs... Ella said, "Her's going to have to get new hair". I asked, "How are we going to get her new hair?" Ella quickly relplied, "Jesus give her new hair."
I ended up cleaning it up with a napkin as best as I could, and taking her shopping with greasy, oily, messy looking hair. Oh, well! Atleast she smelled good!
9 years ago
I started keeping a little blacke book too. I should should put them all on my blog and then try to keep up. Great idea! I couldn't help but chuckle as I read through yours.