Jeff is fastening Kate onto his back. Let's go daddy! She's not very patient.
The cute little cousins Ava and Ella.
Talen, Maya and Aubree on the trail.
Jeff, Kate & Talen
Derrick and wee little Lyla... she's only two months old!
Rochelle helping Ava on a rough part of the trail.
The view on the way back.
This is not the first time that we have hiked this trail, AND it is also not the first time that we have run into the "Crazy Lady". This time, she was coming up from behind us. I had recognized her from before (how could I forget?), and so I beckoned out a cheerful "Hello!". She made a funny, yet quite unpleasant face, without even looking up, and quickly walked passed. She did the same to Derrick. Still grumpy.
After a bit, I could faintly see her figure through the dessert landscape up ahead. She appeared to be moving up and down and carrying along very quickly. When we progressed to that spot, this is what we found.....

Yes your reading it correctly...... "STOP BREEDING!" And so we reaffirmed our suspicions, the crazy lady is still indeed CRAZY! Children are what bring so much joy into the world! They are so sweet and precious! Oh, well. I don't think we'll be changing her mind! It was actually quite funny to see a 50 yr old woman behaving in that manner. We will have to remember her in our prayers.
OH MY GOSH! Stop breeding!? What a whack-o! You should leave her a sign on the path next time you see her. I can think of a zillion things I would say....but they aren't very nice!