The canyon was picturesque with leafs of red, yellow, orange, pink, brown and green. Color was everywhere. It was beneath our feet, dangling from the trees above our heads and spotting the canyon walls on either side. Even the adults on the trail couldn't resist gathering the leafs.... one lady even carried off a whole branch.

Maya and Ella wanted to show me how they could balance on top of these rocks in the wind. Good work girls!
Chicks still in the coop?
The girls were very selective in their leaf collection.
I think Kate sensed all the excitement about the leafs, and figured they must be good eatin'.
Some of the trees were so brightly colored it looked like they were on fire.

On the way back down the trail, we played a game of hide and seek. We split into two groups; the first group would go ahead and hide along side the trail somewhere; and the second group would search for them as they hiked.
Maya was so cute. She sat down in a bunch of ferns, and held one up above her head as if she was a fern too. When I found her, she started (attackingly) waving her fern at me, and she was so uncontrollably giggly, that I couldn't even get her to sit still for a picture. What a fun little cutie.
Jeff, Aubree, Ella, and Kate had hid in this old structure near the apple orchards, along the trail side. When Maya and I arrived at it, we peeked inside to search for them. There was Jeff, stuck in the back door! He was trying to sneak out, but the doorway was so narrow that Kate (well actually the backpack) got stuck. We had a good laugh!
All the brick/stone work looks very familiar! We've been here several times and love the photo ops! Great fall colors! Fun!