Aubree's Field TripI went with Aubree and her 3rd Grade Class on a field trip to the Mesa Arts Center where we watched an orchestra perform, and narrator tell the store of Peter and the Wolf. It was a short field trip and were weren't aloud to take pictures inside, but I did get to ride the bus with her and be the chaparone of her group. After the field trip I stayed and we had lunch together.
Maya's Field Trip
I went with Maya and her Kindergarten class to "Superstition Springs Dairy Farm". Maya was so excited to go that she had trouble sleeping the night before! She was happy that I was able to be there with her as well.

We went on a hay ride and had a tour of the dairy farm.
Petting zoo! Chickens, turkeys, bunnys, goats, a horse, and a donkey!
A hay stack and a pile of cotton to play in.
We had flavored milk, then we were treated to icecream after lunch! It was delicious!
You and Aaron are alike. He loves the field trips! I get all the boring stuff like parent/tchr conferences!