Monday, July 12, 2010

Monson Family Reunion 2010

Last week we travelled to David and Cristy's home in Utah for a Mini-Monson Reunion. Everybody came with the exception of some of Brent and Rita's kids: Mom & Dad, Christy, David & kids, Rita, Brent & 2 kids, Monica, Danner & Kayla, Mark, and us. You can see that I only had my camera out on a few occasions (I'm terrible at that!) but, hopefully I will be able to get some pictures from everyone else to add to my collection=).

Hiking in American Fork Canyon
Cristy lives right at the mouth of American Fork Canyon, so we went up the canyon on two occasions durring our stay.

Left: Jeff walking with Kate and Ella. Right: Cristy joined them.

Ella was being a mommy's girl. I love that girl!

Brent had no shame in wearing his little girls pink flower-shaped sun hat.

A stop at the canyon's ice cream counter brought refreshment. Thanks for the ice cream grandpa!

When we hit the turn-around-point, Brent had us gather for a picture (I need a copy of that!). Jeff thought Brent looked so funny wearing his hat and peering through his camera while hiding behind a bush on the side of the mountain that he had to take a picture of him too. Watch out for the paparazzi!
The tree's in the canyon were beautiful and the trail was mostly shaded. Right: Maya scored a ride with uncle Mark.

Fourth of July Fireworks
Yes! We are wearing sweatshirts! It was nice to not be dripping with sweat while enjoying the fireworks for a change. I love the way it cools off at night in Utah.
When it doesn't get dark until 9pm, it makes a really late night for the kids. Maya was worn out!

Fun with the Cousins at Cristy's House
Of all the things we did, the kids said that they enjoyed just playing with their cousins at Aunt Christy's house the most. Nothing tops free play with seldom-seen cousins.

Ella had an irrational fear of Cristy's old and good-natured, sleepy dog, Sierra. I think it was our third day there, that she finally decided that she wouldn't be scared anymore, and she pet her. When she did, I said,"What do you think about that dog? Isn't she nice?" She replied "I didn't know." Like it was some big discovery, even though we had been telling her that for three days! Somethings you just have to figure out on your own. She continued to pet and love the dog the rest of the evening. It was a true transformation.

Ella and Rita; Maya
Rita and Brent and their little one McKenna.

Left: Grandpa lifting Ella up with a bat. Right: The girls had a slumber party every night. They were in heaven! Maya, Aubree, Emma, and Kayla were inseparable.

We visited the Highland Splash Park for the kids and the Karate studio to watch the Woods show off their stuff. Very impressive! Jeff couldn't resist getting up and trying out his moves too.

Goodbyes. Aubree and Emma. Sam and Braeden.
And now for the long ride home! We had a great time and it was well worth the trip!

Cristy and Bethany choreographed this drum routine for their Karate class.

Jeff choreographed this karate routine purely for our enjoyment.

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