I picked Aubree up from school early on a Thursday afternoon, and headed east on a two-hour-journey to the Gila Valley Temple open house. It was to be dedicated on the coming Sunday, and I really thought the girls would enjoy walking through the inside of the temple. The experience was well worth the spontaneous trip!
Here we are in front of the temple.
The girls were pretty good, but we did run into a few hang-ups. At the temple entrance, you have to put footies on your feet to help keep the temple floors clean. This set Ella and Kate off. They wanted nothing to do with them. I finally figured it out and got them calmed down, and we made it into the temple!
Inside the temple, Maya only climbed on one alter and Kate only screamed in the last room of the tour... the sealing room, which was perfectly placed near the exit for a quick escape!
They devoured the cookies (more than their share, I'm sure), then we spent some time on the temple grass and bleacher/grass area before heading back to the car. I'm really glad we went. The girls especially loved the Celestial Room, even baby Kate loved that chandelier! All in all, for a spontaneous trip... it turned out pretty good.